Boost your energy game.

Your body runs on energy. When your energy is out of sync, you feel tired, stuck. Something’s off, but why?

Free Chakra Test 
Learn what chakra is draining your energy and how to get it back.

Deep Insights for $11 
The Full Report changes how you see yourself, forever. It offers clear steps to feel better, think sharper and live more fully. 

What others say

Thank you! I looked at this and have an overactive sacral chakra and did a beautiful meditation and cried. Using crystals and meditation to heal my sacral chakra now – feeling better already. 🙌

Just purchased the full report and looking forward to studying it. Great bargain!

Appearently my Solar Plexus chakra is under active. I’m a Virgo, which governs that chakra. Plus, as an earth sign, I just be chillin’, so it makes sense. 

What are chakras?

Your energy system contains seven main chakras, or ‘routers of energy’. The energy routers have different functions. 

Over time these energy centers can become cluttered by life’s experiences. When we can’t process our traumas and emotions, we store the clutter in the (energy)body. 

This can develop into an ’under active’ chakra. The other routers will need to work harder, which can cause those to become ‘overactive’. This is how certain areas of your life can become out of balance. 

We struggle to find a better job, a good house, supporting relationships etc. Do you experience energetic stuckness? Let’s get to know your chakras better. 

How It Works

1. Complete the Test

70 questions thoroughly measure your imbalances.

2. Free Report

See Personal Chakra Chart + Most Imbalanced Chakra.

3. Imbalanced Chakra

Read about your most imbalanced chakra in the sample report.

4. Access Full Report

Upgrade to receive the Full Chakra Analysis & your Energy Type.

5. Change Habits

Implement practical advice to harmonize your energy system.

6. Discover

Notice the changes in your focus, clarity & energy.

7. Improve Wellbeing

Bend energy daily for more focus, less stress & better energy.

Measure Your Energy Now

How Does It Work?

Your energy routers, dominant energy type & behavior are connected. This test detects imbalances which are interpreted through your behavior. It's best to answer the question as honest as possible, to get a better result.

Balance Is Health

When you live in a stressful environment your energy centers can become imbalanced. In time imbalanced chakras can cause issues like insomnia, burnout and inflammatory disfunction to name a few. When you are aware of your energy flow you can counter imbalances.

See Your Chakras!

Take this test to find out how your energy system is currently functioning. Take the test and find out what your energy system needs. It takes about five minutes to fill out the chakra test.

Makes sense, I felt detached from the sensation of anxiety and fear that arose today but my sacral chakra is off. 

My confidence is still okay, though I doubt myself I notice, when it’s open I don’t do that, I trust instead. I guess I need to meditate on opening it back up. 

Thank you ❤️

That was a fun quiz. Called out as a fire cracker. lol. 

Thx for this insightful message, you definitely know what you are talking about. I can admit I don’t feel safe and I haven’t for most of my life, have tried several treatment plans and some worked for a while and some just wasted my time. I’m really dedicated to bring myself into balance. One breath @ a time!