Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

The third eye chakra is the sixth wheel of energy within the main chakra system. It is positioned in the region between your physical eyes, halfway through the forehead. It is in the area of the brain where the pineal gland is located.
It is associated with the process of enlightenment and the acquisition of wisdom you experience over the course of your life. In practice, these are expressed by meditative absorption, transcending dimensions of thought and experience, as well as harmonious growth. It is through the crown chakra that you are able to experience yourself as a part of universal consciousness, unity and love.
Its element is consciousness, a mind grown self-aware, and has no particular sense to correspond to it, as it is the foundation for all of them. Not many of us are conscious of the workings of this energy centre. Explicit awareness of its functioning will make for an empowered being, a realized master.
A wise, unconditionally loving being, open to the smallest and grandest of phenomena in the Universe has a fully developed crown chakra. If the energies of the crown chakra are healthy, you are diligent in your spiritual discipline, yet not lacking in grounding.
The Sanskrit name is ‘Sahasrara’, which means ‘thousand petals’. It stands for the full blossoming of your potential as a cosmic being.