
About Energy Benders

At Energy Benders we are on a mission. Our favorite mantra is: “No More Stress!” We love humanity. That’s why want to help you boost your energy and show you the best ways to eliminate stress. 

We have created this chakra & guna test to raise people’s awareness about a healthy energy balance. We want to raise awareness about how you can create a better energy balance for yourself. Because a healthy energy balance lowers stress and prevents burnout. With stress being the number one cause of 95% of all human illnesses, we find this very important.

The online chakra test on EnergyBenders.com combines the insights of Eastern yoga literature on the chakra system and the natural tendencies of energy, with the need for scientific research of the West. Our chakra test is a measurement tool that gives you insight in your energy imbalances. It reports to you where your energy is not flowing. Once that is exposed, we would love to help you (re)discover a healthy energy balance.

Over time we see Energy Benders become a knowledge platform for human consciousness. A platform for life questions and self inquiry. To benefit humanity and to raise the collective consciousness on Earth.

What is an Energy Bender?

In a world where the focus on holistic well-being is intensifying, the concept of an “Energy Bender” is gaining traction. An Energy Bender is an individual who possesses the remarkable ability to control energy, channeling it for various purposes such as energetic healing, personal empowerment, and spiritual growth. These individuals harness the invisible life force that animates all living beings, manipulating it through specialized awareness of their consciousness. 

“Understanding the role of an Energy Bender opens up exciting possibilities for energy transformation in both the physical, mental and emotional realms.”

As an Energy Bender you use your consciousness to create a natural boost of energy when needed.  And you revitalize yourself with energetic healing when you experience fatigue or stress. This bending of energy according to your needs not only enhances immediate well-being but also fosters long-term health because you course correct yourself towards a continuous flow of balanced, positive energy. 

How to Become an Energy Bender? 

Becoming an Energy Bender involves understanding your chakra system, your dominant guna energy type and how these chakras and gunas influence your energetic personality. Each chakra governs specific aspects of your consciousness, and your physical and emotional well-being.

The first step is to become aware of the state of your chakras & dominant guna. You can take our free chakra quiz to find out the health of each chakra and know which chakra needs healing. For instance, if your anahatha chakra is blocked, you may experience issues related to love and compassion. 

The paid version of the test also reveals your dominant guna energy type. With the combined insights of your chakra & guna balance, you’ll better understand how you change your energy. 

What is Energy? Well...Everything is Energy!

Can you sense the warmth of your body? If so, that indicates the presence of energy. Heat equates to energy. Do you have a heartbeat? If the answer is yes, it suggests you are likely alive. Another word for ‘alive’ is ‘energetic’. Your heart beats due to a small electrical impulse created by the cardiac conduction system. Electricity is a form of energy. Thus, we can conclude that you are alive, composed of energy, and some matter. According to quantum physics, matter is also fundamentally energy, but let’s keep it simple.
Since we are beings of energy, the next query is: can we control our energy?

Can I Control my Energy? 

The answer is yes.

Many wonder if they can control their energy, especially when feeling overwhelmed or unbalanced. An essential first step is to become aware of your body’s chakra system and dominant guna energy. Each of the seven chakras play a critical role in regulating different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Identifying which chakra needs attention can help in balancing your energy effectively.

Furthermore, understanding the gunas—the three primary qualities of energy: sattva (harmony), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia)—is crucial in mastering how to control your energy. By recognizing your dominant guna energy, you can make conscious choices to encourage an energetic shift, aligning your activities and habits to support the balanced and harmonious sattva state.

To achieve this, one of the practical steps is to take our chakra & guna test  which assesses your energetic personality. This assessment helps in identifying your natural constitution and how it may contribute to your current state of energy. Sometimes, what you need is the energetic opposite to counterbalance your primary energy type, facilitating a return to a better balance. 

How to Boost Your Energy

To boost your energy effectively, it’s essential to understand the concept of energetic healing. This ancient practice focuses on balancing your chakra needs and promoting an energetic shift in your current state of being. Begin by integrating sufficient rest into your routine, since a well-rested body and mind are prerequisites for any energy transformation.

Additionally, become mindful of your guna dynamics—the qualities that influence your nature and behavior. By becoming aware of your dominant guna energy type, you can take steps to foster its energetic opposite. If one guna has been ruling your energetic personality for too long, you need the opposite guna energy to restore balance in your life. For instance, if you find yourself often lethargic, incorporate activities that invigorate you, helping to boost energy.

Engaging in practices like yoga and sound bath meditation can catalyze this energy transformation. These activities not only address physical chakra needs but also elevate your overall energy transformation. Understanding and implementing these principles can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic life.

Change Your Energy, Change Your Life!

Begin utilizing your energy to transform your life. This website’s chakra test provides a detailed analysis of how your life force is fluctuating. If any of your chakras (energy centers) are imbalanced, it’s likely that a specific area of your life may also be underperforming. You have the ability to impact these energy flows.

You can make a significant change by altering your daily habits. We’re here to support you on your path to achieving a balanced energy and: No More Stress.