Quiz Your Chakras Balance:
Take the Best Chakra Test Now

Ultimate Chakra Test:
How to See your Chakras!

I am thrilled to introduce an amazing chakra quiz to find out which chakra is out of balance. This is the most advanced chakra test I’ve ever laid eyes on.

It gives you unparalleled insights into your energetic personality, in two powerful ways.

Not only will you be able to see your seven chakras, but your dominant Guna Energy Type will also be revealed. This revolutionary tool is designed to help you understand and optimize your energy flow, paving the way for enhanced well-being and personal growth. Get ready to upgrade your energy game and you might achieve new levels of balance and harmony in your life.

chakras vitality

What are Chakras and Why They Matter in Balance?

Chakras are energy centers in your consciousness and the physical body, that play a crucial role in your overall balance. To understand the basics of chakras you need to recognize how each chakra corresponds to different aspects of our physical and energetic health. The energy centers are connected to various functions in your body and consciousness. So it is essential to balance them regularly, for optimal functioning.

For thousands of years the Yogis have known that having balanced chakras is vital for overall health and wellness. Balanced chakras make way for a sense of equilibrium and harmony within oneself, which in turn leads to improved vitality. When our chakras are in alignment, we experience a greater sense of stability and mental clarity.  


Take this free chakra test to find out which chakra needs change!

Why you Need Balanced Chakras

With all 7 chakras in balance you can maintain your physical health, elevate your overall mood and even promote your personal growth. This is why these energy centers play an essential rol in achieving a holistic and fulfilling life.

Chakra Test That Also Identifies Your Energetic Personality

Here’s the big deal: The groundbreaking chakra test on EnergyBenders.com visualizes your chakras, but also helps you understand your ‘dominant energy type’. This unique feature offers you valuable insights into your overall energetic tendencies. 

Chakra Test to Assess Your Energetic Personality

You can measure if you are on your way to a massive burnout, when you purchase the full report on EnergyBenders.com. And the guna test results will also reveal to you if you are a ‘lazy couch potato’. In case you didn’t know that beforehand..

The insight this chakra test offers, are based on a proper study of yogic philosophy, derived from ‘Science of Soul’, Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali amongst other literature. The creator of the test is a Dutch nada yogini, that studied Raja Yoga with a Yoga Charya for over 4 years. This education is formally acknowledged by the Dutch Government. 

If you would like to see your energetic imbalances, this two dimensional chakra quiz will pinpoint the areas in your energy dynamics that require attention, nurturing and healing.

Once you understand your energetic tendencies and blockages your journey towards personal growth and vitality can begin. 

How to Utilize the Chakra Quiz for Healing and Personal Growth?

A Chakra Test serves as a guide to help you identify energetic disturbances and behavioral patterns in need of nurturing. A good report show you images of your (subtle) energy systems. The aim of a proper chakra test should be to make you aware of your subtle energy field, and interest you towards a journey of self-realization. A journey to raise your consciousness. 

Because when you explore the connection between your chakras, gunas and personal growth, you can enhance your energetic awareness and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self. It might help you to take proactive steps to release stagnant or depleting energy. The mission of EnergyBenders.com is to share with 100.000.000 people how they can develop a harmonic, sattvic flow within their chakra system. Will you be one of them? Let’s dive in deeper.

What Are The Functions Of The Chakras?

The role of each chakra in the body’s energy system is crucial for maintaining overall balance and vitality. Understanding the connection between chakras and personal growth involves recognizing how each energy center is correlated to different aspects of your life, from physical health to emotional states. 

Understanding different types of chakras allows you to delve into the intricate web of energy that shapes your inner world. By understanding how each chakra represents specific qualities and characteristics, you can harness their power to support your journey towards self-discovery.


Where To Find Free Chakra Tests And Quizzes Online

Platforms offering free chakra tests are abundant online, but it’s best to make sure you take a serious chakra quiz. Don’t waste your time on short, funny chakra tests. A good chakra test consists of 49 questions at least. Check this beforehand. It is the best way to make sure you’ll receive a valuable report that actually gives you useful insights.


Here’s our top 5 chakra tests:

1. energybenders.com

2. eclecticenergies.com

3. chakras.info

4. chakrapractice.com

5. mindfulhealth.biz

The full chakras report, including guna test report at energybenders.com (price $11) is the most helpful self-exploration tool we’ve seen to date. What’s perfect is that there is also a free report available. After filling out the chakras test, you immediately see the current balance of your chakras in a graph. With 70 questions, this chakra test thoroughly examines your chakras and offers clear results. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to fill out the chakra test of Energy Benders.


Detect Your Dominant Energy Type

When you choose to see the full report the chakra test on EnergyBenders.com will also reveal your dominant energy type in relation to the gunas. The what now? Gunas are described as ‘forces of energy’.

What are The Three Gunas?

The fundamental forces—sattva, rajas, and tamas—predominantly influence your thoughts, actions, and overall demeanor. These gunas play a crucial role in determining your energetic personality. Here’s a deeper look at each guna, based on which your dominant energy type can be detected:

Sattva (Purity and Harmony)

Characteristics :  Balance, clarity, wisdom, peace, and compassion.
Effects :  When sattva is dominant, you are likely to exhibit a calm, clear-minded, and harmonious demeanor. You may find joy in helping others, have a strong sense of purpose, and pursue personal growth.
Benefits :  Enhanced mental clarity, emotional health, and a sense of inner peace. Sattva leads to a life of balance and fulfillment

Rajas (Activity and Passion)

Characteristics :  Energy, action, desire, and change.
Effects :  A dominant rajas guna means you are driven by ambition, creativity, and a desire for achievement. You may be dynamic, enthusiastic, and constantly seeking new experiences and challenges.
Benefits :  Increased motivation, productivity, and the ability to bring about change. Rajas can lead to success and innovation but may also result in restlessness if not balanced with sattva.

Tamas (Inertia and Stability)

Characteristics :  Darkness, ignorance, lethargy, and resistance to change.
Effects :  If tamas is your dominant energy type, you may experience periods of inactivity, confusion, and a tendency to hold on to the past. While tamas can provide stability, it can also lead to stagnation and a lack of motivation.
Benefits : Offers grounding, which can be beneficial in times of stress. However, an excess of tamas may require balancing with more sattvic and rajasic activities to overcome inertia and promote growth.

The Spin of Each Chakra in the Body's Energy System

  • Chakras play a crucial role in your life. They are energy centers located along the spine, and each “chakra corresponds to specific physical, emotional, and behavioral functions. Here is an overview of the seven main chakras and their role:
  • 1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
  • Location: Base of the spine.
  • Color: Red.
  • Function: Responsible for the sense of safety and survival. This chakra helps us feel safe and is connected to our basic needs such as food, shelter. 
  • Physical Association: Adrenal glands, legs, feet, bones, and large intestine.


  • Location: Lower abdomen, just below the navel.
  • Color: Orange.
  • Function: Associated with emotions, sexuality, and creativity. This chakra governs our emotional connections and the expression of our sexual energy.
  • Physical Association: Reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, and pelvic area.


  • 3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
  • Location: Upper abdomen, just above the navel.
  • Color: Yellow.
  • Function: Center of personal power, willpower, and self-esteem. This chakra helps us to be confident and have control over our lives.
  • Physical Association: Digestive system, liver, pancreas, and stomach.


  • Location: Center of the chest.
  • Color: Green.
  • Function: Responsible for love, compassion, and connection. The heart chakra connects the lower physical chakras with the higher chakras and is the center of love and harmony.
  • Physical Association: Heart, lungs, chest, and circulatory system.


  • 5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
  • Location: Throat area.
  • Color: Light blue or turquoise.
  • Function: Involved in communication, expression, and truth. This chakra helps us to speak our inner truth and communicate effectively.
  • Physical Association: Thyroid gland, throat, mouth, and ears.


  • 6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
  • Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows.
  • Color: Indigo.
  • Function: Center of intuition, insight, and wisdom. This chakra helps in seeing the bigger picture and gaining insight into our life paths.
  • Physical Association: Pituitary gland, eyes, forehead, and brain.


  • 7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
  • Location: Top of the head.
  • Color: Violet or white.
  • Function: Connection to the higher self and universal energy. The crown chakra represents enlightenment and connection with the universe.
  • Physical Association: Pineal gland, brain, and nervous system.

How a Chakra Test Identifies an Imbalanced Chakra

Identifying energetic irregularities with a free guide, like the chakra test on EnergyBenders.com, helps you to understand why a certain area of your life becomes blocked. Here’s a step-by-step recommendation on how to discover an under- or over performing chakra:

  1. Understand the Basics of Chakras

    Before taking a chakra test, let’s set an intention to familiarize you with the seven main chakras, their locations, functions, and associated physical and emotional attributes. So you can better understand why an energy center may be imbalanced. This foundational knowledge will help you understand why you need to answer as honest as possible during the testing phase.  
  2. Take the Test

    Find a Quiet Space :  Ensure you are in a calm environment where you can focus without distractions.
    Answer Honestly :  Respond to the questions truthfully based on your current feelings, physical sensations, and experiences. The accuracy of the test depends on your honesty.
    Reflect on Your Responses :  As you answer each question, take note of any strong reactions or realizations about certain aspects of your life or well-being.
  3. Analyze the state of your chakras

    Identify Imbalances :  The test results will typically highlight which chakras are balanced, underactive, or overactive. Pay close attention to the chakra that shows the most significant imbalance.
    Correlate with Symptoms :  Compare the results with any physical or emotional symptoms you might be experiencing. For example, an underactive heart chakra might correlate with feelings of loneliness or difficulty in forming relationships.
  4. What to do when a chakra is blocked

    Once you have identified which chakras are under- or over performing, you can create a plan to address these issues.
    Here are some strategies for each chakra:
    Root Chakra (Muladhara) :  Spending time in nature, quick and easy physical activities, and addressing basic needs.
    Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) :  Creative activities, connecting with your emotions, and addressing any sexual health issues.
    Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) :  Building self-esteem, practicing assertiveness, and engaging in core-strengthening exercises.
    Heart Chakra (Anahata) :  Practicing forgiveness, expressing love and compassion, and engaging in heart-opening yoga poses.
    Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) :  Speaking your mind, signify your truth and doing throat-focused exercises like singing. But also painting and other creative expressions will help you manage this area better.
    Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) :  Meditation, allowing your imagination to manifest in abundance, developing intuition and engaging in mindfulness practices.
    Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) :  Meditation, practicing acceptance and connecting with universal consciousness.
  5. Implement Holistic Practices

    Yoga :  Incorporate asanas that target specific chakras as a daily routine. For example, heart-opening poses for the heart chakra or poses for the root chakra.
    Meditation :   Use guided meditations that focus on balancing the chakras. Visualization techniques can also be very effective.
    Sound Healing :  Utilize sound healing techniques such as sound baths, or kirtan (mantra singing) that resonate with specific chakras.
    Diet and Lifestyle :  Make dietary choices that support chakra health, such as eating root vegetables or consuming blueberries for throat chakra health.
  6. Monitor Progress and Adjust as Needed

    Regular Check-Ins :  Periodically retake the chakra test to monitor your progress and see if your psychological needs have improved.
    Be Patient :  Balancing chakras is a gradual process. Be patient and consistent with your practices.
    Seek Professional Guidance :  If you encounter difficulties or need personalized advice, consider consulting with a holistic healer, yoga instructor, or energy practitioner.

How Chakras Affect Vitality

When the chakras are balanced, energy flows freely through the body and energy field. If there is little to no obstruction, all areas of your energetic profile get nourished. This maintains vitality over a longer period.

However, the chakras are dynamic and there is a correlation between the state of your 7 chakras, the choices you make and the behaviors you exhibit. The same goes for your overall guna energy type. Imbalances sometimes start to reoccur, because you are not a static being but dynamic. As nothing in essence sits idle in the Universe. It is a natural process. This is why it can be helpful to check your chakras and personal gunas from time to time with the chakra test. 

Overall, being  aware of your chakras and gunas helps prevent burnout and promotes health and well-being.

Understanding the Connection Between Chakras and Personal Growth

Chakras are energy centers within the body and energy field that are responsible for different aspects of our physical and energetic well-being. There are seven main chakras, each located at different points along the spine and associated with specific qualities and characteristics.

When these chakras are balanced and functioning optimally, we experience a sense of harmony, vitality, and well-being. However, when they are not functioning optimally, we may experience physical disturbances, and struggle with self-development.

By understanding the connection between our chakras and personal growth, we can work towards a better future. 

The Chakras and Their Associated Properties

1. Root Chakra (Sanskrit word: Muladhara): This chakra is associated with our sense of security, stability, and grounding. Enhancing it can be supported by using rose quartz. Enhancing it can be supported by using rose quartz. When this chakra is balanced, we feel safe and supported in our physical existence, allowing us to take risks and grow. Read more…

2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Linked to our creativity, emotions, and sexuality. By working on this chakra, we can unlock our creativity and passion, and embrace our emotions as a source of personal growth. Read more…

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Connected to our personal power, self-confidence, and sense of identity. Balancing this chakra can help us cultivate self-esteem and assertiveness, and take control of our lives. Read more…

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Governing our ability to love and forgive, both ourselves and others. By opening our heart chakra, we can cultivate compassion, empathy, and deep connections with others, supporting our personal growth. Read more…

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Associated with communication, self-expression, and speaking our truth. By aligning this chakra, we can improve our ability to express ourselves authentically, and enhance our relationships and personal growth. Read more….

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Linked to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. Balancing this chakra can help us trust our inner wisdom, deepen our spiritual connection, and gain clarity on our path of personal growth. Read more…

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Responsible for our connection to the divine, mindful consciousness, and ultimate truth. By nurturing our crown chakra, we can transcend ego-driven desires, and align with our higher purpose and spiritual growth. Read more…


By becoming aware, balancing and aligning our chakras & gunas, we can ground ourselves and enhance our personal growth. Figuring out the state of your chakras may change your life in ways you’d never expect. It all starts with filling out a simple chakra test. A free chakra quiz.